The Implementation Team has begun meeting, currently by Zoom. We have made announcements about St Paul’s acceptance of this covenant in local media and by hanging a banner on the church. The group has encouraged and supported a Racial Equity Study Group for several months. We have
also discussed with the council an inclusive sign on the upstairs bathroom. We are discussing a sign indicating handicap and gender neutral or all gender bathroom.
We need your energy! We want your ideas! Please talk to members, join our meetings or join us for an activity that speaks to you. We are discussing how to implement the Covenant moving forward. Currently we are discussing June pride month activities including participating in the Chelsea Pride Parade June 5th. We are also going to look into volunteering again a Jackson Interfaith Shelter. There have been several ideas about ways to engage with the youth of Chelsea, especially those at risk for mental health or substance use issues.
People who have participated in our discussions: